Angel, 2015, paper, mixed media, 42x29.5 cm

Leonardas Gutauskas 1938-2021

1938 born in Kau­nas, 2021 died in Vilnius

1940–1944 li­ved in Vil­nius

1945–1953 li­ved in Kau­nas and Vepriai, Uk­mer­gė di­strict

1954 mo­ved to Vil­nius, worked in Vil­nius and Mar­da­sa­vas, Va­rėena di­strict

1957–1965 stu­died in LSSR Sta­te Art Ins­ti­tu­te

1967 be­ca­me a mem­ber of the Lit­hu­a­nian Ar­tists’ Union

1976 be­ca­me a mem­ber of the Lit­hu­a­nian Wri­ters’ Union

1989 j oi­ned the group of ar­tists Group 24

Works ha­ve be­en ac­qui­red by the Lit­hu­a­nian Art Mu­seum, Vil­nius; the

M. K. Čiur­lio­nis Art Mu­seum, Kau­nas; the Tre­ty­a­kov Gal­le­ry, Mos­cow; the Pus­hkin Mu­seum, Mos­cow; Ham­burg Cat­ho­lic Aca­de­my, Ger­ma­ny; Sar­me­de Mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty, Ita­ly, as well as pri­va­te col­lec­tors in Is­ra­el, the USA, Ita­ly, Po­land, Es­to­nia, Lat­via, Ger­ma­ny, Ja­pan, Ca­na­da, Bra­zil and Lit­hu­a­nia.

Se­lec­ted one-man ex­hi­bi­tions

1965 “Stil­l li­fes”, Town Ins­ti­tu­te of Const­ruc­tion and Pro­jec­tion, Vil­nius

1967 “Amu­lets”, Club of Wri­ter’s Union, Vil­nius

1978 The 40th An­ni­ver­sa­ry Ex­hi­bi­tion of pain­ting, Art Ex­hi­bi­tion Pa­la­ce, Vil­nius

1987 Me­mo­rial Pain­ting, Ar­tists’ Pa­la­ce, Vil­nius

1988 The 50th An­ni­ver­sa­ry Ex­hi­bi­tion, Art Ex­hi­bi­tion Pa­la­ce, Vil­nius

1990 Pain­ting, Drus­ki­nin­kai

1994 “Gras­ses”, pain­ting, Art Gallery Kauno Langas, Kaunas

1995 Pain­ting, “Var­tai” Gal­le­ry, Vil­nius

1996 “Car­diog­ram”, dra­wings, wa­ter­co­lours, com­po­si­tions cre­a­ted

in 1960–1996, “Var­tai” Gal­le­ry, Vil­nius

“Word ­bo­ok of sy­mbols”, com­po­si­tions, “Var­tai” Gal­le­ry, Vil­nius

1998 The 60th An­ni­ver­sa­ry Ex­hi­bi­tion of pain­ting, “Var­tai” Gal­le­ry, Vil­nius

2003 Exhibition of sacral painting, Stasys Juškus Gallery, Vilnius

Se­lected group ex­hi­bi­tions

1969 The 1st Vil­nius Pain­ting Bie­nnial, Art Ex­hi­bi­tion Pa­la­ce, Vil­nius

1988 Ex­hi­bi­tion of Lit­hu­a­nian Pain­ting, Hun­ga­ry

1990–1998 an­nu­al In­ter­na­tio­nal Ex­hi­bi­tion of Ilust­ra­tions, Sar­me­de, Ita­ly

1992 In­ter­na­tio­nal Ex­hi­bi­tion of Il­lust­ra­tions, Cen­tre Ge­or­ges

Pom­pi­dou, Pa­ris, Fran­ce

1993 Ex­hi­bi­tion of Three Lit­hu­a­nian Ar­tists, Ham­burg, Ger­ma­ny

1994 In­ter­na­tio­nal Ex­hi­bi­tion of Iliust­ra­tions, Pa­la­cio Jan­du­ri, Se­vi­lia, Spain

1995 In­ter­na­tio­nal Ex­hi­bi­tion of Il­lust­ra­tions, Pa­la­cio Foz, Lis­bon, Por­tu­gal

1997 The Si­lent Mo­der­nism in Li­thu­a­nia 1962–1982, Con­tem­po­ra­ry

Art Center of Vilnius

1998 The 7th An­ni­ver­sa­ry of “Var­tai” Gal­le­ry, Vil­nius

Group 24 ex­hi­bi­tions

1990 Art Ex­hi­bi­tion Pa­la­ce, Vil­nius

1991 Art Ex­hi­bi­tion Pa­la­ce, Vil­nius

1992 Šiau­liai Art Gal­le­ry

Pa­ne­vė­žys Art Gal­le­ry

Kė­dai­niai Town Hall Art Gal­le­ry

Klai­pė­da Ex­hi­bi­tion Pa­la­ce

“Ar­ka” Gal­le­ry, Vil­nius (2 ex­hi­bi­tions)

Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art Cet­re of Vil­nius

1993 “Ar­ka” Gal­le­ry, Vil­nius

“Lie­tu­vos ai­das” Gal­le­ry, Vil­nius

1994 SPA­DEM Gal­le­ry, Pa­ris, Fran­ce

Mu­ni­ci­pal Lib­ra­ry, Tour, Fran­ce

Ga­le­rie Plai­si­ren, Stoc­kholm, Swe­den

“Lie­tu­vos ai­das” Gal­le­ry, Vil­nius

Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art Mu­seum Ar­se­nals, Ri­ga, Lat­via

Bo­oks and their il­lust­ra­tions


1961 My Hor­ses Ha­ve Bro­ken Lo­o­se, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1976 Ga­tes Un­der the Worm­wo­od, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1980 The Hou­se of Hos­pi­ta­li­ty, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1982 Sho­re, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1985 Clown, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1988 Por­trait, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1996 Bet­hle­hem, Lit­hu­a­nian Wri­ters’ Union Press, Vil­nius

1998 Pa­per Box, Lit­hu­a­nian Wri­ters’ Union Press, Vil­nius

2004 In fine, Lit­hu­a­nian Wri­ters’ Union Press, Vil­nius

2008 Shining Bodies, poem, “Alma littera“, Vilnius


1990 Necklace of Wolf’s Teeth, Book one, novel, “Vaga”, Vilnius

1994 Nec­kla­ce of Wolf’s Te­eth, Bo­ok two, novel, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1997 Nec­kla­ce of Wolf’s Te­eth, Bo­ok three, novel, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

2001 Shadows, novel, Lit­hu­a­nian Wri­ters’ Union Press, Vil­nius

2001 Letters from Viešvilė, novel, “Vaga“, Vilnius

2002 Briefe aus Viešvilė, novel, “Athena“, Oberhausen

2003 Listy z Wieszwili, novel, “Ex libris“, Warsaw

2003 Feathers. Kazbek., novels, “Tyto alba“, Vilnius

2006 Brieven fran Viešvilė, novel, “Ariel skrifter 33“, Stockholm

2006 Teology of Dreams, novel, Lit­hu­a­nian Wri­ters’ Union Press, Vil­nius

2007 Flys. Loft., novels, “Vaga“, Vilnius

2008 Things, novel, Lit­hu­a­nian Wri­ters’ Union Press, Vil­nius

Li­te­ra­tu­re for chil­dren

1969 Two Spar­rows, po­ems, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1970 Wax Man­sion, poems, rid­dles, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1972 Wo­od­land Chants for Ni­ne Voi­ces, po­ems, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1973 Sto­ries about the Work of Be­es, po­em, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1974 Whi­te-Sai­led Mills, po­ems, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1977 Black Soil – Whi­te Ca­ke, po­ems, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1980 Per­kū­nas, Blac­ksmith of the He­a­vens, po­ems, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1981 Sil­ver Fis­hes Play, po­ems, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1983 Whe­re do Winds Sle­ep, se­lec­ted po­ems, “Va­ga”, Vil­nius

1986 The Mil­ky Way , po­ems, “Vy­tu­rys”, Vil­nius

1988 The Iron Frog, fai­ry ta­les, “Vy­tu­rys”, Vil­nius

1989 The Straw’s Gol­den Light, fai­ry ta­les, “Vy­tu­rys”, Vil­nius

1996 Why do­es the Cat Ne­ed Whis­kers?, pro­se, “Ty­to al­ba”, Vil­nius

2002 The Last Witch of Čepkeliai, “Mažasis vyturys“, Vilnius

2004 Dickens pipe, “Žara“, Vilnius

2008 Parliament of Sparrows, “Petro ofsetas“, Vilnius


1977 Teisutis Makačinas. Three Fairy Tales. For Voice and piano.

Lyrics by Leonardas Gutauskas, Vilnius

1978 Osvaldas Balakauskas. Chant Resonating in Pillars.

Ode to Laurynas Stuoka-Gucevičius. For Chorus and soprano. Lyrics by Leonardas Gutauskas, Vilnius

1981 Antanas Rekašius. Woodland Chants. Two-voiced songs for children.

Lyrics by Leonardas Gutauskas, Vilnius

1982 Osvaldas Balakauskas. By the Blue Flower. Cycle for Chorus.

Lyrics by Leonardas Gutauskas, Vilnius

1995 Nijolė Sinkevičiūtė. The colorfull cycle.

Lyrics by Leonardas Gutauskas, Vilnius


1981 Awar­ded the Sta­te Pri­ze

1990 Nec­kla­ce of Wolf’s Te­eth, bo­ok one, novel (won the Lit­hu­a­nian Whri­ters’ Union Pri­ze for the best bo­ok of the year 1990–1991), “Vaga”, Vilnius

1995 Awar­ded the Sta­sys Šim­kus 1st Pri­ze

1998 Goverment Art Award

2001 Lithuanian National Culture and Art Award

2002 Award for the best Children Book of the Year

2007 Žemaitė’s Award

2008 Aistis’ Award