Apples of Memory, 2020, canvas, oil, 140x90 cm

Information via phone
Skaistė Verdingytė

She belongs to the middle generation of artists, she has actively been representing the Lithuanian artists’ community for more than ten years. The elements of surrealistic art and theatre can be found in her works. Since technics and professionalism are of major importance in painting and visual arts in general, we can track down Andrea Mantegna’s tradition in S. Verdingyte’s paintings, which reached Lithuanian art through the creative work of Stasys Usinskas. The artist has also been influenced by the representatives of the School of Ferrara, namely, Cosimo Tura, Carlo Crivelli, Giorgio de Chirico as welll as Algimantas Svegzda, Sofija Veiveryte and other artists’ oeuvre.

Skaiste Verdingyte is a member of Mural Art Department of Lithuanian Artists’ Association.
Since 2006, she has participated in the ‘Slaptųjų piešėjų draugija’ (Secret Draftsmans’ Society - drawing human figure from life studio) of Lithuanian Artists’ Association activities.