A Girl and a Bird, 2024, canvas, acrylic, 100×100 cm
The price is 1550 EUR. Ask about the purchase.

Živilė Rudzikaitė-Matuzonienė
As much as I remember, art has always accompanied me. All my life has been expressed in one way or another through various forms of art. At every stage, the work was completely different.
Nowadays I spend a lot of time in nature. I live surrounded by a forest. Nature inspires me for creativity. My works are born from feelings and have their own story, which each observer will read from the side in their own way. I admire various styles and techniques of painting, so my paintings are in different colour and themes each time. I am feeling dizzy at the time in the canvas. I am fascinated by the diversity of everything. The world is so intriguing and fun. I do not want to be limited to specific shapes and colors. I want to show you as much experience as possible through painting.
In addition to the creative work, I dedicated a long time to academic studies. I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the University of Vilnius, as well as a Bachelor of Arts and a Master's
Degree at the Vilnius Academy of Arts.
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